Monday, September 1, 2008

Might as well be a zoo.

Please tell me every homeowner encounters this many animals in their house.
I am beginning to really wonder about our house....and wonder if this is normal.

Last night, around 11:30 p.m., I started packing Jared's lunch and meal planning in the kitchen for the week. As I was making my grocery list, I noticed out of the corner of my eye something race from the sink area under the fridge. Great. I thought maybe it was just my imagination, since it was so late and I was tired. I hear some rustling and it comes out, and goes back in again. It appears to be a HUGE "frog". I scream. Natural reaction, I suppose. The dogs are in the bedroom with Jared, who has to get up at 4 a.m. for work. They start barking. I run into the bedroom and politely scream at Jared to get up, get up, there's a "frog" in the kitchen. He's not the happiest camper. In a trance, he crawls out of bed and walks out to the living room. The dogs immediately think there is an animal under the entertainment center and start hunting in that area. Probably because we have had, oh, 15 animals hide out under there in the past 2 weeks. I swear to Jared it was under the fridge, so he calls Layla and goes over to move the fridge. No "frog".

All of a sudden, we see something scurry from the kitchen into the dining room and camp out under the corner bookshelf. The "frog" was on the move. Jared politely, calmly and quietly tells me a bit of shocking news. His words: "Hun, I hate to tell you this, but that's not a "frog"."

You are now probably wondering what kind of creature it really is.

Well. I can not-so-calmly tell you. IT. WAS. A. MOUSE.

Great. I start freaking out and Jared's moves the bookshelf. The "frog" (aka mouse) runs across the living room and into the laundry room, with Addie and Layla right on its tail. Jared enters the laundry room with a cup in hand, being the great, courageous husband he is. I hear a LOT of banging, sniffing, scuffing and moving of items. I am now standing on top of the couch, literally saying a prayer that they catch this nasty rodent. A few minutes pass and they exit the crime scene. No mouse. Jared thinks it went into a duct. GREAT. So now there is a mouse. In our house. As soon as Dakota wakes up from her nap, we are going to get mouse traps. YUCK.

Of course after that I can't fall asleep because all I am thinking about is how this mouse is going to jump up in my bed and gnaw me with its evil teeth all night.


Linda said...

Go Layla! She needs to teach Zoe, Shaffer and the cats how to get those creatures!

Special J said...

Just do yourself a favor and call the Orkin man right now. It's the only thing that gave me my sanity back.